Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines and Structure of Article
1. General Information
Please write your article in both correct formal English (American or British style) or in the Indonesian language. Use MS word format in one style column with a 2 cm margin at each side of A4 paper.
2. Titles
The first letter of each word in the title should be typed in the capital. Avoid using any punctuation marks like (.), (;), (?), etc., and don't underline the words. The title should be written specifically not more than 20 words. Font: arial, bold, size 14, single-spaced
3. Authors' Names
Write the authors' names after the main topic with font: Arial, Bold, and size 12, single-spaced. Write the authors' affiliation: department, faculty, university and email addresses of each author are required with font: arial, Italic, and size 11.
4. Abstract
The abstract must be written briefly in Bahasa Indonesia (if the manuscript in Bahasa Indonesia) and in English (if the manuscript in English) about the purpose of the research, the methods, the results, and the main conclusion not more than 250 words. Font: arial, 11, single-spaced)
5. Keywords
Please write keywords after abstract not more than 5words/phrases. Separate each of keywords with (,). Use font: Arial, size 11.
6. Introduction and Literatur Review
The Introduction indicates the background issues that are supported by sufficient theories and concepts, and up-to-date relevant research findings. sub-title use font: Arial, size 12, bold. Maximum number of pages up to 20 pages, using arial 12, 1,5 spaced. At the end of the introduction state clearly the purpose and noverlty of the research .
7. Research Methods
Write your research objectives, type of research, and applied methods. Describing clearly about instrument used to collecting data and analysis procedures. Sub-title written in font: arial, bold, size 12. The method should be elaborated in details (see template) using arial, 12, 1,5 spaced.
8. Results and Discussion
In results part, describing clearly the answers to the research problems both in quantitatively and qualitatively. Indicating development ideas compared with other different research findings. In discussion part, indicating sufficient arguments of the research results related to the concepts or theories and other relevant research results, interpretation of the findings, limitations of the study, and their implications for development scientific concepts. Sub-title written using arial, 12, bold, 1,5 spaced.
9. Conclusion
Write the summary of the answers to the research problems and indicate constructive advice for contribution to sciences development.
10. References
Arrange references alphabetically at the end of the article. Write only references that are used only in the writing of this article. Writing references using APA system and required to apply Mendeley for reference manager.
11. Figures, Diagrams and Tables
Present figures, diagrams or tables in the correct location and centered of the article. Write caption at each figure, diagram, or table with the following way: Figure 1: caption/title, Arial size 12, normal, bold).