Jurnal Nasional Informatika
Vol 2 No 2 (2021)Finally the National Journal of Informatics (JUNIF) Vol. 2 No. 2 has been published. The editors thank to the authors, readers, entire editorial team and for the help of many parties, last but not least thank also for LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika (IBI) Kosgoro 1957. This volume consists of six manuscripts from internal IBI Kosgoro 1957 and external campus. We also appreciate researchers who have submitted their articles to the National Journal of Informatics (JUNIF) in this edition.
Finally, we hope that the manuscripts in the National Journal of Informatics (JUNIF) can enhance to the knowledge and scientific insights in the field of informatics. The Editor want to improve the journal quality and kindly receive a constructive suggestions from all parties.
Jurnal Nasional Informatika
Vol 1 No 2 (2020)Finally the National Journal of Informatics (JUNIF) Vol. 1 No. 2 has been published. The editors thank to the authors, readers, entire editorial team and for the help of many parties, last but not least thank also for LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Informatika (IBI) Kosgoro 1957. This volume consists of six manuscripts from internal IBI Kosgoro 1957 and external campus. We also appreciate researchers who have submitted their articles to the National Journal of Informatics (JUNIF) in this edition.
Finally, we hope that the manuscripts in the National Journal of Informatics (JUNIF) can enhance to the knowledge and scientific insights in the field of informatics. The Editor want to improve the journal quality and kindly receive a constructive suggestions from all parties.
Jurnal Nasional Informatika
Vol 1 No 1 (2020)JUNIF (Jurnal Informatika Indonesia) has published first issue dan online. The journal will be published twice a year on April and October every year. This first issue focused on business informatics research. There are six articles. The first article title is “ Otomatisasi Proses Bisnis untuk Program Orang Tua Asuh Menggunakan Scrum, BPMN dan Complex Analysis (studi kasus di orangutan foundation)â€. The second title is “sistem pendukung keputusan Peringkatisasi Mitra Penyedia Talenta Digital Menggunakan Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Pada Tribe Enterprise Wholesale Digitizationâ€. The third article title is “Implementasi Teknologi qr-code Sebagai Pencarian Data Ruangan pada IBI Kosgoro 1957 Berbasis Androidâ€. The fourth article is “Analisa Pemanfaatan Teknologi Daring Mahasiswa IBI Kosgoro 1957 Selama Pandemi Covid-19 dengan Regresi Logistik Ordinalâ€. The fifth article title is “Implementasi Virtual Private Network (VPN) Sebagai Solusi Security selama Work From Homeâ€. And the last article title is “Implementasi Algoritma Knuth Morris Prath untuk Kamus Terjemahan Digital Aceh – Bahasa Indonesia Berbasis web (studi kasus badan perhubungan pemerintah aceh di jakarta)â€.
As a newly established journal, there are many weaknesses and need constructive correction and requires continuous improvement efforts from all parties. Editors are looking forward to qualified articles to be published in future editions. Thank you.