Jurnal Pengabdian Teratai
Vol 1 No 2 (2020)Thanks to Allah SWT, The second edition pf OJS Pengabdian Teratai number can be published in December 2020. This edition contains twenty three articles. All papers published are cross-sciences. This edition is special because of the many community service activities implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic. This pandemic has a profound impact on the Indonesian people. So that many community service activities are carried out to sustain the household economic activities. All papers published are in accordance with the focus and scope of the OJS Pengabdian Teratai based on community empowerment, public service and solidarity (mutual cooperation). Over all, this edition still has many deficiencies that require corrections and constructive input for the next sucessfull progress of the OJS Pengabdian Teratai. The editors are looking forward to quality peoplesdevotion articles to be published in the next issue. Thank You.
Best Regards.
Jurnal Pengabdian Teratai
Vol 1 No 1 (2020)First of all, the editorial team thanks to Allah SWT of His grace, the journal can be published online. This edition is the first edition. The journal purpose is to publish all community service activities article that resolve the community social problems based on community empowerment, public service and solidarity (mutual cooperation). The future vision that it becomes the number one community service journal in Indonesia for its dissemination of knowledge to the Indonesian people. The mission for the next five years is to get SINTA 3 accreditation.
As the inaugural edition, the articles consisted of cross science among management, accounting, communication and social sciences of the majelis ta’lim community. The three papers are the result of a collaboration of community service activities between IBI Kosgoro 1957, Shinhan University Korea and SDN 11 Lenteng Agung Jakarta. The other four articles are devotion activities funded by IBI Kosgoro 1957.
As a newly established journal, there are many weaknesses and need constructive correction and requires continuous improvement efforts from all parties. Editors are looking forward to quality service articles to be published in future editions. Thank you.
Editorial Board.